With coaching employees can:

  • Build valuable skills and knowledge they can use to advance in their careers
  • Feel supported and encouraged by their manager and the company
  • Experience the pride and satisfaction that comes with surmounting new challenges

Improve performance, identify training needs, and achieve your goals

Organizations that invest in coaching see many benefits.

  • Overcome costly and time-consuming performance problems
  • Strengthen employees’ skills so you can delegate more tasks to them and focus on more important managerial responsibilities—such as planning
  • Boost productivity by helping your employees work smarter
  • Develop a deep bench of talented communicators
  • Improve retention; employees are more loyal and motivated when their bosses take time to help them improve their skills
  • Make more effective use of company resources; coaching costs less than formal training
The coaching helps me with my self-esteem in terms of letting me see my progress and my opportunity.
New Employee
Global Call Center


Companies that offer training alone experience a 22.4 % increase in productivity, but when combined with coaching that figure rises to 88%.

Gerald Olivero, Denise Bane, and Richard Kopleman , Public Personnel Management

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